
Please contact your theatre department advisor as soon as possible to arrange time to meet prior to registration. 

Click here to see when you can begin registering for your classes.

Look at the course schedule prior to meeting with your theatre department advisor and use your advising sheet to help you plan what courses to take.  If you need a copy of your advising sheet, click on the links below. To retrieve your unofficial transcripts, you will need to log into your myFAU account and select “student self-service”. After reading all the information below, if you still have any issues or additional questions, please email

**Preparing for you advising session is important. Please use the following guidelines to get ready to make your appointment successful:

1. Provide your z number
2. Have a list of classes you would like to take so we have a place to guide you from
3. Double check that these do not conflict with each other or your gen eds
4. Please think this through. Please do not send multiple emails adding classes one at a time
5. Don’t forget Production Hour!
6. Please send your advisor an email with your z number, course lists and CRN prior to your meeting so they verify the information.

Degree program changes and Minors:

If you were accepted into the BFA program, you will need to submit a change of major form.  Please make an appointment with Tom Shorrock to do this.

If you would like to add a minor, you will need to submit a minor add form.  Please make an appointment with Tom Shorrock to do this.


Contact your Theatre Department Advisor : see assignments below


0-29 credits:                       Brandy DeMil

30-59 credits                      Lee Soroko

60-89 credits:                     Ted deChatelet

90-110 credits:                   Des Gallant

>110 credits:                      Tom Shorrock

Download BA General Education Advising Sheet

Download BA General Education Transfer Advising Sheet 

Download BA Theatre Studies Advising Sheet 

BFA Musical Theatre: 

0-69 credits:                     Ryan Townsend

60-120 credits:                 Lynn McNutt

>110 credits:                    Tom Shorrock

Download BFA Musical Theatre Advising Sheet


BFA Performance: 

0-110 credits:                   Kathryn Johnston

>110 credits:                    Tom Shorrock

Download BFA Performance Advising Sheet

Download BFA Performance Transfer Advising Sheet


BA/BFA Design and Technology track: 

Dawn Shamburger - 

K April Soroko -

Rebecca Lucatero -

Tom Shorrock -

Download BFA Design and Technology Advising Sheet

Download BFA Design and Technology Transfer Advising Sheet


Theatre Minors: 

Tom Shorrock —

Download Theatre Minor Advising Sheet


Dance Minors: 

Nicole Perry —

Download Dance Minor Advising Sheet

Once your advising session has been completed, your theatre department advisor will send an email to Liu (and will copy you as well) that will contain all courses recommended and a copy of your updated advising sheet.  Please retain a copy of this sheet somewhere safe and accessible on your computer for future reference.

You will then receive a confirmation from Liu that permission has been granted for you to register yourself into the courses.  It is very important that you register for summer and fall at your earliest convenience.  If you have any trouble with registration, please contact your theatre department advisor  to let them know what the problem is. 

For all IFP advising or degree requirement converstations please click here.